
This software was developed as part of research performed in the Single Molecule Biophysics group (Weiss Lab), Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at UCLA, in collaboration with the Intes Lab, Biomedical Engineering Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. It owes much to the feedback and suggestions of its users, which I hereby thank for their trust, courage and patience.

The software code includes open source code from the Open G Library, and color palettes created by Cynthia Brewer (

This work was funded in part by DOE grant DE-FC02-02ER63421-00 and DE-SC0020338, Human Frontier Science Program grant RGP0061/2015, US National Institutes of Health grants R01 GM095904 and R01 CA250636, University of California CRCC grant CRR-18-523872, and UCLA JCCC Seed grant 2020.

LabVIEW is a trademark of National Instruments.